Why We Are Asking Managers for Historical Data


You said it, we listened.

The private capital ecosystem has become more data- and measurement- focused in the past couple of years. In particular, asset owners (LPs) are increasingly engaged in sophisticated quantitative analyses to support portfolio planning exercises and risk management processes. These analyses are hungry for data that are complete and precise. Long gone are the days when the data requirements were simply “What do I own through funds?” or “What is my basic exposure to a company, sector, or geography?”

That said, Burgiss continues to double down on its data collection and enrichment initiatives. Over the past year, we significantly expanded our Data Operations team and will add more people in 2017. This newly augmented team will normalize, enrich, and quality check the data that we collect to better support the more sophisticated analyses that you require. And because these analyses are heavily reliant on historical data, overhauling this data requires, in some cases, that we engage with managers to request historical documentation. These documents are key to quickly and efficiently getting you answers to the complex portfolio questions that your stakeholders require.